You’re One Step Closer To Getting Rid Of Your Back Pain...

Back Pain ReHab(it) Coaching!

submit your details So You Can finally Kick Back Pain Out of your life!

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 A simple and practical system for rehabilitating lumbar Injuries and reducing back pain

Fixing your back pain is tough. I get it

It's a constant "hamster wheel" of trying to do some exercise or rehab... flaring up... taking time to rest and let it "heal"... all while wondering if you're making it better or worse.

While I can't take away all your flare-ups overnight... I CAN start helping you right now.

What I find is that most people who want to make their back pain go away aren't afraid of doing a little work.

But finding the time to do the work is a challenge

And when they do find the time, they get frustrated because they don't seem to be getting anywhere.

Doing the work but still having pain and flare-ups.

Sound familiar?

If you've been struggling to find the time or...

If you've found the time but just seem to be spinning your wheels with constant flare-ups and not getting results...

This 3-Step System is for you

The Back Pain ReHab(it) System is an easy to follow system to solve whatever problem you're facing

Want to figure out how to stay on track? I got you.

Not sure what exercises you should be doing? I got you.

Want to speed up results? I got you.

Want to learn how to best avoid flare-ups? I got you...

Want to... well you get the idea

If all this sounds interesting to you and you're interested in strengthening your core and lower back, reducing your flare-ups and having more freedom to move around without pain all the time…

Go ahead and fill out the application and I'll get in touch about a FREE assessment and how it all works.

Joshua Walker


Fill In Your Details Below...

Yes, I want to shortcut my success, and I'm interested in the Back Pain Rehab(it) coaching program.

Confidential application form:

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

What kind of back pain do you have?

Do you have a bulged disc, herniated disc, degenerative discs, "si" joint pain, inflamed muscles, etc.

What is your main goal with the Back Pain ReHabit System?

If you were to have a discussion with Joshua 12 months from today, and you looked back over the past year, what would have had to happen in your life  for you to feel happy with your progress?

Do You Believe That You Could Get You There?

What is your #1 challenge to resolving your back pain right now?

This group isn't just about what you can get from it but also what you can give. What value can you bring to the "[COACHING PROGRAM NAME]" mastermind community?

What is your main motivation for wanting help with your back pain?

If you are doing or have done other therapies to try to fix your back pain, please include what you have tried:

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